來自美國的【 Gel Blaster 爆爆水彈槍 】讓你的每次聚會都是最棒的 Quality Time!有別於以往射擊遊戲的彈藥是難以清潔的漆彈,或是無法自然分解的塑膠 BB 彈,Gel Blaster 爆爆彈通過歐盟及美國安全認證無毒可分解,是大人小孩同樂的最佳選擇!現在,一起放下 3C 登出手遊,來場熱血又安全的實彈槍戰!
傳統的漆彈和 BB 彈射擊危險性高又不環保,被擊中還超痛 (ಥmಥ`)爆爆彈擊中目標即破碎,殘渣會在水分蒸發後變成可自然分解的碎屑。可切換成自動連發模式,射中也只有橡皮筋彈到的刺激快感!
再也不用擔心給孩子們玩的東西安不安全了!環保無毒的爆爆彈通過美國 ASTM、歐盟 EC 檢驗,在使用上更安心,提供最可靠的選擇,適合所有年齡層一起遊玩!

Use our Gellets
Gellets will instantly break and begin to disintegrate upon impact, so you don’t need to spend too much time cleaning them up, spend your time enjoying shooting!
How to use Gellets?
Just soak Gellets in water for 2 hours and let them expand before use.
How does it feel to be hit by a gel bomb?
There is a slight tingling sensation, making the whole experience even more exciting! A slight stinging sensation like being hit by a rubber band.
Other contents
USB-C charging cable
10,000 Gellets
common problem
What’s the furthest range Surge can shoot?
The longest range of Surge is 30 meters, but short-range shooting is more exciting.